BatsInTheBelphry's Journal

BatsInTheBelphry's Journal


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29 entries this month

spell a day Jan 30, 2011

08:12 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 688

Spell A Day

Transportation Spell

January 30

Color of the day: Amber

Incense of the day: Almond

Need a new car? Here’s a transportation spell that’s

been helpful to me! Supplies needed:

A round peridot cabochon

Plain carrier oil

A cup of spring water

Using a clockwise motion, rub the peridot with the carrier

oil. Place the anointed cabochon in the cup of water. Set the

cup outside at the New Moon. Picture the kind of vehicle you

need and chant:

Come to me, come to me, what I need is what I see.

When you’re ready to go shopping, take the cabochon with

you, placing it in your wallet so that the finances will be

balanced with your need.



13:46 Jan 30 2011

I sincerely hope this is a joke.


spell a day Jan 29, 2011

08:07 Jan 30 2011
Times Read: 689

Spell A Day

Freethinker‘s Spell

January 29

Color of the day: Blue

Incense of the day: Rue

Today is commonly known as Freethinker’s Day in honor

of the birthday of Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense,

which advocated American independence. Take time today to

do a simple spell to affirm your individuality, your creative

thinking, and all the ways that you are different. Be a

freethinker. Sit quietly, in a safe space. Allow your breathing

to deepen, lengthening each exhale, slowly drifting lower

into an easy, relaxed state. Focus your awareness on the

quirks and idiosyncrasies that make you uniquely you.

Breath into each of these qualities, affirming it, and seeing it

grow, swelling with your breath. Laugh a little at yourself,

delighting in difference. Let your mind wander, and look at

what you want to be free from. Allow yourself to envision

freedom, independence, and ease. As you return to your

daily life, take one small step toward independence,

affirming your right to differ.



07:14 Mar 19 2013

who taught you this?


spell a day Jan 28, 2011

06:39 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 695

Spell A Day

Wind Chimes and Energy

January 28

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Mint

Feng shui practitioners know how useful wind chimes can be

within the home. Why not put this knowledge to use for

yourself and dispel some household negativity at the same

time? Is there a spot in your home where the energy seems

to drag you down and make you tired, angry, or depressed?

Pick a set of wind chimes appropriate in size and tone for

that spot. Cleanse, bless, and consecrate them to protect

your home using the method with which you are most

comfortable. Finally, hang them in their chosen location and

relax as the good energy flows in once more.




spell a day Jan 27, 2011

06:09 Jan 27 2011
Times Read: 698

Spell A Day

Banish Financial Worries

January 27

Color of the day: Purple

Incense of the day: Balsam

To the new calendar year is underway, and bills are coming

in from holiday shopping. This is a great time to banish

difficulties. You have a Jupiter day for prosperity, and a

waning Moon phase to banish financial worries. Burn a green

candle to encourage prosperity, and burn a black candle to

remove any worry and stress over money. Repeat the

following charm three times. When finished, allow the

candles to burn in a safe place until they go out on their own.

On this January night under

a waning Moon,

Lord and ladies of prosperity

hear this Witch ’s tune.

The green candle burns to

promote prosperity,

The black candle flames to remove any worries.

The energies combine as one,

through space and time,

Bring to me triumph and

wealth with this spell of mine.




spell a day Jan 26, 2011

20:12 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 699

Spell A Day

Create a Sit Spot

January 26

Color of the day: Topaz

Incense of the day: Marjoram

Magic is rooted in observation and interaction with the

natural world. Sometimes our greatest lessons in magic

come from just sitting in nature and opening our eyes to the

vast intricacies of nature. Permaculture, an emerging

system of ecological design, also observes the patterns of

nature through the use of a sit spot. In this area, designers

tune in to the patterns and wisdom of nature for deeper

understanding of the land they wish to work with. Create

your own sit spot today. An outdoor ritual space works

great, but if you don’t have one, look for a wild place near

your home. Visit this place as much as you can. Allow

yourself to be open to all that nature can teach you. Listen.

Weave magic in this place. Call to the gods and spirits of the

land as your allies. Awaken to your connection to all things.




spell a day Jan 25, 2011

04:38 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 702

Spell A Day

A Smoke Divination Spell

January 25

Color of the day: Scarlet

Incense of the day: Ginger

A winter evening is the perfect time to divine the future by

using smoke. In a heatproof dish or your cauldron, combine

equal parts thyme, sage, and wormwood. Ignite them and

let them smolder. Let the smoke rise and spiral. You may

wish to use a white feather to fan the smoke heavenward.

Allow the smoke to curl about your fingers. Begin to let go of

all cares or thoughts you may have. Don’t think about any

specific question. Let your eyes go in and out of focus. Watch

for any signs or symbols. Some people see exact images,

while others see symbols. After about fifteen minutes,

slowly return to your usual state of mind. Over the coming

week see if any of your visions begin to manifest





spell a day Jan 24, 2011

11:16 Jan 24 2011
Times Read: 709

Spell A Day

The Power of Ice and Snow

January 24

Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Neroli

n many shamanic traditions, one of the most powerful ways

to work through difficulty is to honor the power of obstacles

and learn to transmute these energies. When the world is

locked in ice and snow, we tend to recoil, considering the

wintry substances negative or devoid of life energy. Snow

and ice contain powerful spirits who work to help the world

sleep and rest in preparation for renewal in spring. Here is

a spell to honor and harness the power of both ice and snow

during the depths of wintertime:

Great spirits of snow, blanketing the earth Falling from the

skies, silently and in beauty,

I honor your path, I honor your wonder, I ask for the

blessings of nature’s season of rest.

Great spirits of ice, magnifiers of winter sun, crystalline

powers creating rainbows in the coldest season,

I honor your magic, I honor your wisdom, I ask for the

blessings of winter’s focus and inner beauty.




spell a day Jan 23, 2011

09:53 Jan 23 2011
Times Read: 716

Spell A Day

Frugality: Living Thrifty

January 23

Color of the day: Orange

Incense of the day: Heliotrope

The new year means new plans— often including a goal of

frugality. To be frugal is to live sparingly and economically,

with careful planning and little waste. In short, to be thrifty.

In Horatio Alger’s children’s books, his heroes

exemplified honesty, thriftiness, and hard work as a path to

success. Since living frugally is easier said than done, try a

little magic to help out. Work this spell during the waning

Moon, when lunar energies draw inward. Use green ink

(prosperity) to inscribe this charm into a pocket notebook,

speaking it aloud as you work:

Each dollar and coin I hereby vow, Will purpose have, ’ere it

leaves this house. Its reason sure, its path so swift, This

dollar’s goal will charge my thrift!

Read the charm whenever you consider buying something,

and keep a written account of everything you spend. With

thrift comes prosperity!




spell a day Jan 22, 2011

23:59 Jan 22 2011
Times Read: 719

Spell A Day

Challenge the Status Quo

January 22

Color of the day: Brown

Incense of the day: Magnolia

Sometimes things just need to change, and maybe you feel

it’s time to buck the status quo. Sketch a copy of the

Hierophant card from your tarot deck, print the image of

one off the Internet, or even draw your own. Gather the

picture, a black candle and holder, and a broom (your

magical broom is great, but the kitchen broom is just fine).

Create your sacred space, and place the black candle on top

of the picture. Repeat the following:

Now remove the status quo

Let the ideas flow and grow

Remove what hinders and transform

Sweep away the tired norm

As you chant, make the image under the candle synonymous

with the situation you wish would change. When you feel the

energy has reached its peak, tear the image into tiny pieces,

cast it on the floor and sweep it away, cutting open your

magic circle if necessary. Recycle or compost the paper for

true transformation!




spell a day Jan 21, 2011

07:58 Jan 21 2011
Times Read: 722

Spell A Day

Consecrate a Magical Wand

January 21

Color of the day: Purple

Incense of the day: Alder

Today is the beginning of the Celtic month of Luis, whose

sacred wood is Rowan. A relative of the rose plant, rowan

trees grow in harsh conditions and manifest beautiful red

berries. Their wood is sacred to those seeking protection,

the powers of divination, and other magical outcomes. Many

practitioners consider rowan especially auspicious as a tool

in spellwork and crafting. If you have a wand already, then

today is the day to rededicate or consecrate it. If you do not

possess a wand, then it is a good day to put out a sacred

intention to bring this magical tool into your life. To

consecrate or rededicate a wand today, use the following


Sacred tool supporting my

spiritual journey, I bless and

consecrate (rededicate) you

as I open my heart to your

inherent power. Aligning

our life-force energies by

this prayer, may we together

magic make.

Holiday lore: Feast Day of Saint Agnes of Rome. Since the

fourth century, the primitive church held Saint Agnes in high

honor above all the other virgin martyrs of Rome. Church

fathers and Christian poets sang her praises, and they

extolled her virginity and heroism under torture. The feast

day for Saint Agnes was assigned to January 21. Early

records gave the same date for her feast, and the Catholic

Church continues to keep her memory sacred.




spell a day Jan 20, 2011

07:54 Jan 20 2011
Times Read: 723

Spell A Day

Protect House and Home

January 20

Color of the day: Green

Incense of the day: Nutmeg

Just as the body houses the soul, the home houses the

body. This spell focuses on protecting the house from

negative energies, and is a good addition to any other

protective exercises you may be enacting. Simply go to the

main area of your home, take a match, and light a tealight

candle that has the Raidho rune ( r ) carved on the top of the

wax. The sulfur on the match head is known to drive away

evil, and Raidho is an ancient letter and symbol, one of

whose interpretations is “protection.” Declare out loud:

I hereby banish and command all evils

and malignancies in this place to FLEE!

At the base of any door that leads outside your house, as

well as at the base of the candle, sprinkle an herbal mixture

consisting of any parts of boneset, dill, fennel, juniper,

mugwort, and mullein. Declare:

Only protection, health, and

happiness are welcome here.

As I will, so mote it be!

Finish by hanging additional charms in the house (such as

written rune, a sigil, a broomstick, or a wand of sage above

a doorframe) and performing any additional protective

magic you deem necessary.




spell a day Jan 19, 2011

08:49 Jan 19 2011
Times Read: 726

Spell A Day

To Remember Your Dreams

January 19

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Lilac

Dream recall takes practice and repeated reinforcement.

Along with regular bedtime habits, you can help the process

along every evening with before-bed journaling to clear your

head for dreamtime, smelling a sachet or muslin bag filled

with rosemary and lavender, and reciting this appeal to the

Greek god of dreams:

Morpheus be merciful in my

night ’s dreamings,

Let me see in the morning

light what starlight brings.

Take deep breaths, and picture yourself leaving a cave for a

green field, accompanied by Morpheus or a spirit guide you

know and trust. Follow the spirit into the depths of the cave.

Allow this journey to take you into your dreams. When you

wake up, write down any images, sounds, or sensations that

come to mind. You may not remember your dreams the

first few weeks, but with practice, recall will come easily

and stay with you for longer throughout the day.




spell a day Jan 18, 2011

09:22 Jan 18 2011
Times Read: 728

Spell A Day

Purification Spray

January 18

Color of the day: Black

Incense of the day: Cedar

Banish germs and get rid of bacteria that cause illness with

this practical, natural spray. Containing essential oils with

natural disinfectant, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral

agents, this spray cleanses the air, objects, and even hands,

and leaves them smelling wonderful. The spiritual energy of

lavender helps you to connect to spirit, resolve fear, and

facilitate magical consciousness and focus. Combine:

30 drops tea tree oil

40 drops pure lavender essential oil

1 ounce food-grade alcohol 1 ounce of witch hazel

3 ounces triple distilled water

Mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle, and use

regularly to spiritually and physically cleanse a space, an

object (like a Pilates or yoga mat), or person. For other

scents, substitute rosemary, lemongrass, orange, or

eucalyptus for lavender.




spell a day Jan 17, 2011

10:35 Jan 17 2011
Times Read: 732

Spell A Day

\"Dream\" Spell for World Peace

January 17

Color of the day: Ivory

Incense of the day: Hyssop

We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion

of war but the positive affirmation of peace.

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Carve a peace symbol into a white candle. Fill a small dish

with a little dirt from outside and place the candle on top.

Relax and focus on the energy of peace. Hold your cupped

hands near the candle and visualize very bright white light

coming down from above, entering the crown of your head,

going down to your heart, through your arms, out your

hands, and into the candle. Light the candle, close your eyes,

and see this white light of peace spread to the hearts of all

people. See all humans everywhere filled with love and

existing harmoniously with one another. Believe that this is

our future. See if you can get your friends to do it too. The

more people who do this spell, the better!




spell a day Jan 16, 2011

10:37 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 734

Spell A Day

Melt Your Problems Away

January 16

Color of the day: Gold

Incense of the day: Juniper

egative energy tends to build up more at this time of year

because our homes are closed up. If you have any bad

habits or lingering problems, this spell will help get rid of

them. In a small saucepan, combine a cup of water with a

small amount of orange rind, a sprinkling of ground cloves,

and a cinnamon stick. Bring to a gentle boil and simmer for

a minute. Next, place an ice cube or some snow into the

simmering water. Watch as it melts, and at the same time

visualize your habit or problem melting away. When done,

take the water mixture outside and pour it onto the ground.

Walk away and don’t look back.




spell a day Jan 14, 2011

09:46 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 742

Spell A Day

Everyday Knot Magic

Friday, January 14

Color of the day: Coral

Incense of the day: Thyme

Do you find yourself having days when you feel absolutely

elated, happy, and full of life’s energy? Do you also find

yourself having “down” days of stagnation, apathy, and

lack of motivation? Sure, we all do.

You can help carry on positive experiences by performing

simple knot magic. Grab a piece of rope, cord, or twine, and

tie five knots (an inch or more apart) when you’re having

an energetic “up” day. As you tie the knots, heavily focus

your uplifted, positive energy into the rope or cord by seeing

the energy flowing off your body. You can also breathe into

the rope as you tie the knot, or even tie one strand of hair

inside each knot. When finished, set the rope on your altar

and untie the knots on one of your “down” days in order

to release the trapped, positive energy.




spell a day Jan 13, 2011

09:30 Jan 13 2011
Times Read: 743

Spell A Day

Altar Cloths

Thursday, January 13

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Apricot

The slow pace of winter is a great time for projects,

including crafting a new set of altar cloths. Visit your local

fabric or craft store and scan the bolts of fabric. Stick with

natural materials: cotton is an ideal choice, available in

numerous colors and prints. You might design different

cloths for the seasons, sabbats, esbats, or your own

magical specialties. Before working with the fabric,

preshrink by washing it in hot water and drying fully in a


Cut the cloth into the shapes you wish: triangles for Goddess

magics, squares for elemental work, circles for general

purposes, etc., or design the coverings to fit your available

spaces. Turn the raw edges over by 1/4 inch and sew, or

iron-bond the edges with fusible webbing. Save the scraps to

use for amulet bags, tarot wraps, and other purposes. Enjoy

decorating your magical spaces with your beautiful new

altar cloths!




spell a day Jan 12, 2011

06:55 Jan 12 2011
Times Read: 745

Spell A Day

Put Your Problems on Ice

January 12

Color of the day: Yellow

Incense of the day: Lavender

Winter brings many challenges, but also offers

opportunities to work magic with the seasonal materials of

snow and ice. Go outside on a day when plenty of snow

covers the ground. Find a snowdrift or pack snow into a

small pile. Use snow, icicles, fallen twigs, and any other

natural materials lying around to sculpt an image of

something that frustrates or upsets you. Then make

yourself a generous supply of snowballs. Throw the

snowballs at the figure, shouting out all the things you

haven’t been able to say in polite company. Continue until

it’s com•pletely buried in the snow. Then go indoors and

treat yourself to a cup of hot chocolate, leaving your worries

outside in the cold.




spell a day Jan 11, 2011

08:09 Jan 11 2011
Times Read: 748

Spell A Day

Carmentalia (Roman)

January 11

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Bayberry

Today the Romans honored Carmenta, goddess of prophecy

and childbirth. Since April was a traditional Roman marriage

month, many women visited Carmenta’s temple nine

months later, in January. Carmenta was a midwife and sibyl

—she sang her prophecies and often told the fortunes of

babies. Only vegetarian sacrifices were allowed at her altar.

In honor of Carmenta, here is a spell to promote prophetic

dreams: Mix equal parts dried rose petals and mugwort,

wrap in cloth, and tie with a white ribbon. Place the bundle in

your pillowcase.

Carmenta guide my dreams

each night,

Aid me with your gift of


Show me what I need to see,

As I will, so mote it be.




spell a day Jan 10, 2011

07:37 Jan 10 2011
Times Read: 749

Spell A Day

Ignite Your Intuition

January 10

Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Lily

After dark, in a quiet place, sit in front of a moonstone, a

deep blue candle, and copal incense. Light the incense, close

your eyes, and take some deep breaths. When your mind is

relaxed, visualize a very still lake at night, reflecting the

stars. When the visualization is strong, open your eyes and

light the candle as you say:

I ignite my intuition.

Warm the moonstone with the flame as you say:

I trust my intuition.

Hold the moonstone to your third eye (just above the area

between your eyebrows) and close your eyes, visualizing the

lake once more. Only now, the lake is illuminated as if from

the inside. You can see fish swimming, beautiful mermaids,

and even the rocks all the way at the bottom. Keep the

moonstone with you until the Full Moon, and make a point of

noticing and trusting your hunches and inner guidance.




spell a day Jan 9, 2011

11:06 Jan 09 2011
Times Read: 751

Spell A Day

Leave Behind To Move Ahead

January 9

Color of the day: Yellow

Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

Janus is the two-faced god of the new year. One face looks

ahead while the other looks to the past. The month of

January takes its name from this Roman god—the god of

gates and doorways, ending and beginnings. Today we have

a waxing Moon and it’s the first day of the week, so this is

an opportune time to invoke Janus for putting the previous

year behind us and welcoming the new opportunities. Light

two white candles to symbolize new beginnings. Then repeat

the charm:

Janus, two-faced god, keeper

of the gates,

I do now leave behind last year’s mistakes.

Help me to look forward and

to begin anew,

With prosperity, hope, and

optimism true.

By Sunday ’s magic this spell

is spun,

For the good of all, bringing

harm to none.




spell a day Jan 8,2011

08:40 Jan 08 2011
Times Read: 755

Spell A Day

Kaleidoscope Perspective Spell

January 8

Color of the day: Blue

Incense of the day: Sage

When you get stuck while working on a creative proj•ect or

when interpersonal relations become politically charged and

entan•gled, changing your point of view or breaking the

issue into smaller pieces is usually the best way to solve

the problem. The next time this hap•pens, get a

kaleidoscope from any place that sells toys. Visualize

some•thing that represents your issue as you turn the

kaleidoscope. Directing your emotions to the fragments you

see, observe how the pattern splits and breaks, but remains

beautiful. If you have a kaleidoscope that frag•ments

images telescope-style, point it against something yellow,

the color of creativity. Allow the fragmenting to also break

apart your feeling into smaller bits—as you do this and

after, new approaches will occur to you. As soon as you are

done, write down the thoughts that came to you while

looking through the kaleido•scope. They will guide you in

your problem-solving.




spell a day Jan 7,2011

07:32 Jan 07 2011
Times Read: 758

Spell A Day

Filled with Faith

January 7

Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Violet

Today’s the day the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates

Christmas, as marked according to the old Julian calendar,

thirteen days after Western Christmas. Having survived

persecution and suppression during the communist era of

Russia, it is a day of both solemn ritual and joyous

celebration. Take your lead from the Russians, and do a

spell reaffirming your faith and your right to practice it.

Quietly affirm who you are, and what you believe. Then run

your hands over your body from the top of your head to the

tip of your toes, saying “Top to bottom, all of me is safe

and free to be,” affirming your right to live as you choose

and practice your faith in your own way. Today, be filled with

faith—express it through your words, actions, and

intentions. In honor of Orthodox Christmas, give small gifts

and bless•ings to the people you care for.




spell a day Jan 6, 2011

08:41 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 760

Spell A Day

The Bull Games

January 6

Color of the day: Turquoise

Incense of the day: Clove

According to Slavic tradition, today is Turisi, the holiday of

the bull, Jar-tur. In ancient times, people celebrated this

occasion by making and wearing masks of bulls, cows, and

other figures. They made a great parade through the village,

bellowing and prancing in imitation of the Great Bull. People

of all ages played games of strength, stamina, and

cleverness. These games, called turisi, gave the holiday its

name. The bull represents the power of life and fertility.

Observe this holiday today with rowdy outdoor games if

possible (play indoor games if weather is harsh). A mask-

making workshop full of colorful materials can help pass the

long winter hours. Serve beef at your feast and honor the

life force of the Great Bull.

Holiday lore: Twelfth Night and the night following it are

when wassailing used to take place. The word “wassail”

comes from the Anglo-Saxon words waes hael, meaning “to

be whole or healthy.” People drank to each other’s health

from a large bowl filled with drink such as “lamb’s

wool,” which was made of hot ale or cider, nutmeg, and

sugar with roasted crab apples. In some parts of Britain,

trees and bees are still wassailed to ensure a healthy crop.

Having drunk to the tree’s health, people fire shotguns into

the branches. Different regions sing different wassail songs

to the tree. Here’s one from Worcestershire:

Here’s to thee, old apple tree,

Whence thou mayest bud,

Whence thou mayest blow,

Whence thou mayest bear

apples enow.




spell a day Jan 5, 2011

07:41 Jan 05 2011
Times Read: 764

Spell A Day

A Round Tuit Spell

January 5

Color of the day: Brown

Incense of the day: Marjoram

Often with the best of intentions, sometimes we get caught

up in our everyday lives and procrastinate activities we

really feel are important. The “Round TUIT Spell” is to

remind us to make the time to accomplish our goals.

Here’s what you need:

A round, wooden disk, any size A sharp carving knife A piece

of dragon’s blood (dark-red resin)

Lightly sand the disk, and then carve four symbols at the

north, east, west, and south locations. The symbols can be

anything you want to represent your desires. When you have

completed the carving, rub the disk with the chunk of

dragon’s blood until the symbols are solidly colored. Hang

the disk in a prominent place so that you see it every day

and remind yourself of what you need to do to accomplish

your goals.




spell a day Jan 4, 2011

07:17 Jan 04 2011
Times Read: 769

Spell A Day

The Courage to Begin

January 4

Color of the day: Red

Incense of the day: Geranium

It’s the first New Moon of the New Year—so much

beginning energy that we can hardly stand it!—and it is

Tuesday, blessed by the courage and sense of adventure of

Mars. Make an oil today to use throughout the year

whenever you need the courage to try something new or see

something through. You’ll need a dark glass bottle with a

screw-on lid, like maybe an old vanilla extract bottle (fill with

rock salt and water to get the vanilla smell out). Start with 2

tablespoons of olive oil and add 9 drops of oregano essential

oil, 9 drops of bay essential oil, and 9 drops of cinnamon

essential oil. Store the tightly capped bottle in a dark and

cool place, and shake and charge whenever you use it to

anoint yourself or something related to your endeavor, like

your tennis shoes, school bag, or a special outfit (just

don’t stain the fabric!).




spell a day Jan 3, 2011

06:33 Jan 03 2011
Times Read: 771

Spell A Day

Bardic Spell for 12 Days of Yule

January 3

Color of the day: Silver

Incense of the day: Clary sage

In Wales, January 3 was one of the Twelve Days of

Christmas, and many wonderful traditions took place during

this time. The Yule log was kept burning and its ashes kept

as a charm for protection and fertil•ity. Wassail was served

(cakes and apples cooked together and mixed with warm ale

and spices). A proces•sion known as the Mari Lwyd took

place in Wales in which a decorated horse’s skull led a

procession door to door in a contest of poetic skill. Recite

this traditional song of winter poetry and story to brighten

the dark nights:

Let us hear, wise ones, where

you come from and what you


The custom of wassailing

has existed for a thousand

years . . .

Sing your best, as I shall too,

and the winner shall drink


My talent is singing at night

. . . I am an unbeatable


I’ll sing for a year without

fearing any evening during

the holidays . . .




spell a day Jan 2, 2011

08:19 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 774

Spell A Day

Nordic Blessings

January 2

Color of the day: Gold

Incense of the day: Frankincense

Bring some luck and energy into your life with this very

simple spell and celebrate the new beginnings that the new

year brings.

You need a stone with at least one flat surface and a green

marker or crayon. Cleanse the stone with whatever method

you wish. Using the green marker, inscribe the rune

Thurisaz (x) onto the stone’s flat surface. Thurisaz can act

as a gateway rune, which will help you choose a path for the

new year. It would not hurt to ask Freya’s blessing as well.

Keep the stone somewhere safe, either carrying it on your

person or placing it on your altar.




spell a day Jan 1, 2011

08:04 Jan 01 2011
Times Read: 778

Spell A Day

Honoring the Three Fates

January 1

Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Patchouli

Called the Parcae (Roman), Moirae (Greek), or Norns

(Germanic), the Fates are the controllers of destiny: one

spins the thread of life, one measures it, and one cuts it.

Today, therefore, this New Year’s Day, is a day to open to

the dance of free will and determinism. Allow yourself to

find acceptance of what is and create intention around what

will be. Call on the three Fates to work with you as you delve

more deeply into your soul’s purpose and put energy

toward your heart’s yearning:

O Fates! I call upon you to

witness my work;

I trust in your wisdom.

As I walk my path, I release

attachment to outcomes;

And I embrace the align

ment of my inner and outer


Today, I make a commitment

to myself and all that makes

me Who I have been, who I am,

and who I will be.

Holiday lore: New Year’s Day calls for safeguards, augurs,

charms, and proclamations. All over the world on this day,

people kiss strangers, shoot guns into the air, toll bells, and

exchange gifts. Preferred gifts are herring, bread, and fuel

for the fire.



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